Business Partnerships
In research and teaching, we seek to answer economically and socially relevant questions from the service sector using quantitative methods. Through cooperations with industry, we want to make our competences in the field of service operations available to practice. At the same time, we receive valuable input to identify new research questions. Therefore, we are looking forward to new contacts at any time. Below we have collected some information for you, please do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested or have any questions.
Forms of cooperation
Among others, the following forms of cooperations have been used with our partners:
Guest lectures Supervision of Bachelor's/Master's theses Placement of interns & graduates | Establishment of research cooperations Implementation of industrial projects Implementation of third-party funded projects
Analytics Working Group
In addition, we recommend all interested parties to participate in the Analytics working group, which was founded by Prof. Dr. Gönsch in 2014 as a part of the German Operations Research Society (GOR e.V.). With about 70 participants on a regular basis, this working group has established itself as an independent platform for networking between people from industry and academia. [Working Group Analytics].