Quantitative methods from the field of Service Operations characterize our teaching. It addresses challenges that are relevant in the context of Business Administration and to society (e.g. Innovative Mobility, Circular Economy). We strive to activate the through an innovative teaching concept. Experience shows that teaching is most sustainable when students themselves are as active as possible. In addition, we are using application and research references to further enhance the material's effectiveness. Guest lectures from practice are an important instrument for demonstrating the potential, but especially the challenges, of using quantitative methods in practice.
Our graduates are recruited by industrial companies and consultancies in a wide range of industries under the job titles "Business Analyst", "Data Scientist", or "Advanced Analytics". Based on their methodological education, they optimize prices and transport routes in CarSharing or car rental, plan warehouse locations and stocks in the retail sector and improve processes in the production of tangible assets.
Breaking News:
- Klausureinsicht Lehrstuhl Service Operations WiSe 2024/202519.02.25
- Lehrstuhl für Service Operations sucht Verstärkung (Bewerbungsfrist: 12. Februar 2025)18.12.24
- Gastvortrag „Ökologische Transformation in energieintensiven Branchen - Herausforderungen & Chancen für die Lieferketten eines Papierherstellers“10.12.24
- 29.06. Gastvortrag "Sharing Economy - Positionierung, Geschäftsmodelle und Insights"21.06.23
- Klausureinsicht des Lehrstuhls Wintersemester 2022/2303.04.23
MSM Breaking News:
- Informationsangebot zu den Vertiefungs- und Anschlussmöglichkeiten im Bachelor Wirtschaftspädagogik27.02.25
- Informationsangebot zu den Wahlmöglichkeiten im Bachelor BWL27.02.25
- Neue Veranstaltung "Machine Learning in Finance"20.02.25
Job offer: Student assistant (m/w/d)20.02.25
- REMINDER: ESG- und Nachhaltigkeitsinteressierte Studierende, aufgepasst!19.02.25